W elcome to the Zepfest 1997 Photo Album! This year's event was held on the 11th and 12th of April in Niagara Falls, NY, USA. I had a GREAT time meeting all my friends, many from the Led Zeppelin Email Discussion Group, "Digital Graffiti" (otherwise known as "DG"). Grant Burgess, publisher of the Led Zeppelin Fanzine The Only One, headed up this wonderful event. Our hats are off to Mr Burgess, who did an excellent job in getting this all to wo rk!

Below are collections of pictures taken by several of the attendees. If you took pictures at this event, we'd love to have your pictures displayed here! First click on the photographer's name (below) to see their collection of pictures. Then click on the thumbnail pic or the descriptive underlined words to get a full-sized picture. All people will be listed left to right. I hope that these pictures give you an idea of how great this was!! enjoy!

Bruce "the Buckeye" Deerhake

 The Bruce Deerhake Collection

 The Annie and Buzz Parrish Collection

 The Ann Marie Hunley Collection

 The Jeremy Mixer Collection

 The Hugh Jones Collection

 The Shelby Syckes Collection

 The Rick Barrett Collection

 The Mark Cornelison Collection

 The Catherine Cote Collection

 The Paul Groleau Collection