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RE: Sad news...

I remember him when I first joined FBO those many years ago as a frequent 
poster who often generously offered to provide CDRs of shows to newbies, etc., 
back when we had to things that way.  A sad loss for the FBO family.

> To: zeppelin@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: Sad news...
> From: tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:55:49 -0400
> For all of the long timers on here, it is with heavy heart that I pass on the 
> news that long time FBO-er and DG-er, and all around funny guy, JR Sroufe, 
> has gone over to play drums with Bonzo.  Other than knowing he had been 
> ailing for years, I was not aware just how dire his situation was. Apparently 
> he was enjoying life to his fullest posting pics of his fishing prowess just 
> up till this past weekend. 
> I guess now I'll never find out just how the hell you got my number to work 
> and then proceeded to call and berate me telling me you'd punch me so hard 
> you'd knock a lung out cause your cell service was so bad. You totally had 
> me. I bet there are others on here that can tell stories of JR's highjinks at 
> Zepfests past.
>  I shall also never forget you being one of the first people to burn me a 
> bunch of shows to get my CDr collection going. And the choice of show was 
> nothing short of classic.  Smoking Pig's Burn Like a Candle. And him telling 
> me "I'm doing it a 1X because it's THAT important of a show for you to have." 
>  A decade later Jimmy thought so too and gave us HTWWW. I still prefer Burn 
> Like a Candle, and tonight shall go seek out that original cdr and have a 
> Ballantine just for you.
> RIP my friend. You will be missed.