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Where Jimmy Has Failed

Rather than just criticize Robert for not working with the guys, it can also be 
said that Jimmy and the boys have been inept in their approach at getting 
Robert to work with them.

Robert doesn't need the money or the ego of doing a Zeppelin tour or album, so 
you don't try to appeal to him on those needs. Instead they need to do things 
that attract him to work with them.

In Robert's case, he can work with who he wishes to work with. This means the 
guys have to appeal to his needs and not try to guilt trip him into working 
with them.

When Jimmy, Jason and Jonesy were working on new material, did they even bother 
to send Robert a demo to see if he would like the music? At least he could 
guage if this project was something of interest to him.

Since Robert has hinted that future Led Zeppelin get togethers must be for the 
right reason, perhaps the guys should propose some charity gigs where no one 
makes money off the show. Live Aid, Atlantic 40th and the O2 were not about Led 
Zeppelin getting a paycheque.

My third point is one that any moron who understands human relations can figure 
out. If you are trying to win someone over to do some work with you, you do not 
conduct yourself in a manner in a way that pisses off the person you want so 
badly to work with. This means that you don't have "sources close to the band" 
leaking out lies that Robert will do a Led zeppelin tour. If Robert won't work 
with Jimmy and turns down as much as $200 million for a Led Zeppelin tour, you 
would have to be a complete moron to think that pulling these bullshit stunts 
will work.

If Jimmy wants Robert to do a Zep reunion project, he's got to show him some 
music that interests Robert, it can't be a big cash grab and Robert's got to 
feel that there is no bullshit involved.

Take Care