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RE: Bo Diddley, Hoodoo, one's Mojo, and Blues Roots - No, Literally... <NZC but you should read it anyway>

 Steve the Lemon and TimD:  Wow - this whole topic is fascinating!  Thanks!
I see that I didn't know Diddley [yes, that's a pun] about much of this
stuff.  Question, though, was there a known particular reason for [Otha]
Ellas Bates to change his name to "Bo Diddley"?  Does it have a particular
meaning that made him select the name?

TimD asked:
> (can't you make LSD from morning glory seeds?)

Oh, yeah. Or at least some similar derivative.  Many, many years ago, when I
was young and pretty stupid, I recall an amateur chemist attempting to
formulate that with Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, which have similar
compounds to morning glory seeds.  I think the result was people getting
somewhat high, and a whole lot nauseous.  (Children, do not try this at

On a related side note, have you all read that there is a plausible theory
that bread made from rye contaminated with the ergot fungus (LSD having been
synthesized from ergotamine) may have contributed to the young girls'
hallucinations that set off the Salem witch hysteria?  I'm sure you know
that Tituba the hoodoo- or voodoo-practicing slave girl in one of the
families was a major player in the whole thing igniting the way it did.  If
it's true about the ergot fungus, it tied together psychotropic drugs and
voodoo at a FAR earlier time in history than the U.S. bluesmen! 

One of the references I did not know before your post was the one about
"raising sand."  Cool!  I had no idea THAT was a blues thing.  I assumed,
wrongly, that it had a meaning more related to the Arabic side of things -
you know, "Kashmir," Najma, the Middle East, etc.  I'm glad to know the real
source.  But what does the phrase itself mean?  What is the woman *doing*
when she "raises sand" that requires a "mojo hand" to put her in her place?
Is she just unruly, unfaithful, and such, or something more...?

Now, about "mojo" - I have a beautiful Maine Coon Cat named "Mojo."  You can
make any puns or double entendres that you like. :)
