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Re: Best Hangover Cure *Ever*

Jason Artman wrote:

> >
> > Welcome to him if he's here....
> > :-)
> >
> > ===Kathy===
>         Kathy _Z_?
>         Zerxes?
>         Coincidence? I think not!
>         ;)

It's true....Laughter is the best cure for a hangover.
Ohmigosh...let me wipe the tears from my eyes so I can see the bloody

It's true...I've been found out....
People who met us at Zepfest '96 can attest to the strong physical
resemblance between us....
And we were never ever sitting at the bar at the same time.....

Now you know the truth.....
This is why I said Zerxes is here...
Because I am!!!!!!

Thanks for the LOLs, Jason....
Or are you really......Grant????
