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SUBSCRIBE zeppelin-l-digest

PRESENCE <Presence@xxxxxxxx> has been added to zeppelin-l-digest.
No action is required on your part.

quantegy@xxxxxxxx (Ty Mills) has been added to zeppelin-l.
No action is required on your part.

Mere coincidence?  I think not!

One subscribed to the individual post list and one subscribed to the
digest, possibly as an attempted cover strategy, which, I might add,
failed miserably.

This evidence is far from conclusive, but I have to say, if you hear from
Ty Mills that PRESENCE is a good trader, I would definitely take it with a
grain of salt.  --chrisb

Chris Bucchere             __o        bucchere@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
BSCS Candidate           _`\<,_       http://www.stanford.edu/~bucchere
Stanford University     (+)/ (+)      (H) 650-685-xxxx (W) 408-863-xxxx