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Kudos, Thanks, List Names and Such....

Hello everyone.....

I want to thank you for all your hard work....
It's so great to have a new list....
Change can be such an exciting and inspiring thing and in this case...
it certainly is that and potentially so much more...
Congratulations and kudos to all of you!

Though I fancy myself a member of the mailing list 
'The Ocean'.... 

I recently had another thought.
Remembering some of the rather lengthy (and clever and informative ;-))
posts we used to enjoy on DG and in view of reading our new longish ;),
albeit 'work in progress' charter (Thor, has Jean invited you to
collaborate with her on her next Zep Trek, uh...I mean Star Trek
project??? ;)).....

I thought perhaps the list name 'Ramble On' might be aproppos....
The name might also act as a not so subliminal inducement to newbies to
post their little hearts out.
Just a thought.....

To the folks who have been speculating about posting to DG re: the new
list ***The Ocean*** or *Ramble On*  ;)
And getting the message 'through' Zerxes to the list itself...
Frankly, I can't imagine that Zerxes isn't here among us and is
therefore privy to all your discussions.  If Jason found us, doesn't it
make sense that one way or another Zerxes would too?
Just a thought....

And to Bill O'Neil who oh so coquettishly queried:

>I have a Studio Tricks Post ready to go.  Shall I post it?

I say:

Naaaaaw....who wants to read *that* crap!!!!!
Yuh Right!
Post it, you studio fiend....We're starvin' here.
And while you're busy typing, pass the Makers Mark...
It's a Celebration!

Whew, my little winky face worked overtime on this post...
Now I'm gonna hafta pay the little creep time and a half!
I *hate* that! ;)
Dammmit!  There he goes again.

===Kathy===       -+-A Sparkling Drop in The Ocean-+-
;) Stop it!!!!