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Re: 2013.07.12 Robert Plant & Sensational Space Shifters @ Taste of Chicago

I was camping out on the lawn since the gates opened at 11am (by myself for
almost five hours) and I had my hair up in almost the same topknot!  The
sun was right in your face until mere moments before the show started.
Long hair is really hot  for those of you who have never had it!


On Jul 13, 2013 12:45 PM, "Wyatt Brake" <wyattbrake@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> When Robert took the stage, the sun had just retreated behind some
> buildings, but before that, it had really been blazing down, so the
> hair arrangement may have had to do with the heat.  Or maybe he only
> lets his hair down after dark... who the hell knows.  I thought it was
> fine.
> Plant is certainly aware of the juxtaposition between his current
> appearance and his younger self on the backdrop - both last evening
> and in Berkeley, he motioned back toward the backdrop as he sang the
> "live on former glories, so long ago and gone" line from Tin Pan
> Valley.
> I think the first time I've seen sign language at a concert was Pearl
> Jam's Touring Band 2000 DVD:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5WSaPUFEL8
> Some will remember the supposed Zeppelin connection to the 1998 PJ
> song Given To Fly...
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Given_to_Fly#Release_and_reception
> On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Nech <tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Thanks for the review and all the pics. Not sure if that pulled back pony
> > tail look does him any good.
> >
> > Especially in front of that "young Plant" backdrop. Lol!
> >
> > Sign language?!?! Don't think I've ever seen that at a concert.