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Re: The Big Voice is really warming up now

Thanks for that thoughtful observation, James.  I can't wait til Friday and
my turn to hear the big voice!


On Jul 9, 2013 5:28 PM, "James Bonal" <bonal71@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I've been very closely following Plant's solo career for a very long time.
>  Since the dawn of the Strange Sensation in or around 2000, he's tended to
> follow the same pattern with his tours, which is to say that he starts off
> using a rather restrained approach, emphasizing the subtleties of his
> singing voice as opposed to the power of his more famous voice.  As the
> tour progresses, whether because he's warmed into it or because he just
> wants to let loose, "that" voice (he referred to it recently as his "Big
> Voice") starts to become more and more prominent, and by the last leg(s),
> he really lets things fly.
> For an example of what I'm saying, check out any early Band of Joy show on
> YouTube and then compare it to a show from the last couple of months of the
> BOJ tour.  Totally different experiences.
> Well, I've been casually following YouTube clips of the SSS performances
> since last year and I can see the same thing happening now.  I just looked
> at a couple of tunes from a few days ago (somewhere in an outdoor venue in
> Oregon) and he's using the Big Voice a lot more now than he did even in
> South America or Oz/NZ.
> I'd expect it to continue, so those of you who are within a reasonable
> proximity of one of the remaining shows during July, I think you're in for
> a treat ... especially if your only exposure to the SSS was last year's UK
> shows or even those from earlier this year.
> I, personally, am "dead chuffed," as Bonzo would say, to be hitting the
> Brooklyn show (last in the US) at the end of the month.