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Re: NZC - Rolling Stones in Newark

Wow, some great shots there Jonathan. Thanks alot for sharing!

Speaking of sharing,
I was away most of the weekend and missed it all...any word of a torrent of the 
PPV out there yet? I would dig seeing this, even with lady gag me.

Does anyone eblieve this will be/was the last time? 




-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Gilson <tangerineman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: FBO List <zeppelin@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sun, Dec 16, 2012 9:54 am
Subject: Re: NZC - Rolling Stones in Newark

Great to see Keef can still sneak a smoke between tunes behind the amps ;-)

> Really nice show tonight.  They may have lost a step, but they can still put 
on a  good show. 
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/jlbnyc/sets/72157632258603534/