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Re: An Awesome Day at School (Yes, there is Zep Content... in Fact, it Revolves around the Zep)

Unfortunately, the only bootlegs I had on me were Nirvana and Pink
Floyd.  Otherwise I woulda had them jamming to Live on Blueberry Hill!

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 4:18 PM, 3hrsoflunacy <3hrsoflunacy@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Nate,
> I am disappointed you didn't pull out a bootleg from your backpack and let
> them jam to that!
> As an P.Z.-F.B.O.-R.O.  member you should be:
> Proliferating
> Zeppelin
> Fans
> By
> Opening new
> Realms of
> Opportunities
> Since you're also a .com member, I will just blame Robert Plant for your
> momentary lapse of
> preparedness. :-)
> 3hrs.