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Re: Friday Foto Flangerization...

Based on the texture, resolution, overall feel shall we say (not to mention the TV light in the background!), I'd bet the farm that this one:

http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa165/FBO_bucket/New%20Stuff/ 1969025page7.jpg

...is a video still. But from what taping?! I could be wrong, but it seems to me Jimmy's clothes don't match Tous en Scène, Paris '69...

And my favorite recent find....

Plant going out on a limb!!!! Identify the shot folks!!!! Meg where are you ? : ) http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa165/FBO_bucket/New%20Stuff/ 1874025801.jpg

Ooooh! Ooooohh! Mistah Kottah! I know this one!

Swing Auditorium, San Berdu, August 8, 1969. Another shot from this show is on pp. 26-27 of "The Photographers Led Zeppelin"--Jimmy was wearing a crazy white leather vest w/ really long dark tassels, which you can just barely make out in your shot.

I used to think it was from the Schaefer Music Fest, Central Park, 07/21/69: it was used for the cover of "Twist," a boot of that date. That was before I got wise to the fact that 9 out of 10 boot labels don't feature a pic from the actual gig....

See here: