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Re: Holy Starship Batman !

Thank you sir. That's really nice to hear. The whole time I was
talking to her,the little voice in my head was saying " Wait until the
people at FBO hear this !!"

And there's no battle at all. I'm just glad to contribute. It's all
fun and for the enjoyment of the group.

Your photos are always fantastic and you are second to none with your
contributions to FBO.

The next time I talk with her, I'll ask if she or Bianca would be
interested in joining. Who knows ? Maybe Zep's advance man-Billy
Miller could be convinced to join also !

Shazam !

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Nech <tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Frank!!!
> That is perhaps the biggest scoop on FBO in ages...and I mean ages.
> Congratulations my friend...you have won the battle hands down... dosen't
> mean I'm not gonna post p the lastest bounty of cool pics I gathered up.
> Fantastic work, and am anxiously looking forward to your next call. Even
> more so, looking forward to her and Bianca joining FBO!
> bravo my friend.
> Nech