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Re: My FBO Friends...

It's tough to beat genuine Wagyu beef. Kobe is in the same vein but last I knew Kobe was still not exported from Japan. Genuine Kobe that is. Anything called Kobe been sold in the US is bootleg Kobe. It's the same breed of cattle but not raised in the manner used in Kobe, Japan. Therefore it lacks some of the refinement of the real stuff.

My family will be getting together next week when members come into town. We'll go out. Someone else does the cooking...and cleaning. lol

Yes, and happy holidays to one and all.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Nech" <tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <zeppelin@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:49 AM
Subject: My FBO Friends...

Dearest FBO readers,

I was hoping to celebrate a nice white Christmas this year, but instead
awoke last night to the sound of branches crashing down around my property
due to a nasty ice storm.
bleah! Oh well, still lotsa white, just extra crispy and dangerous.

Amazed I have power. But since it might be fleeting, a quick note to
everyone out there celebrating the Holidays...

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukah
Happy Kwanzaa ( I guess that's what's said )

And all the best to the rest.  As George's Dad on Seinfeld put it "A
Festivus for the rest of us"

Enjoy the season, spread the good will, and most of all, I wish you good
health and happiness.

Off to Mass and then to my Mom's for a wonderful traditional Ukrainian
Christmas Eve dinner. !2 courses! Well, 12 different foods. I spent the last
two days there learning the ways from my master, Mom. I reek of onions and

Then tomorrow, after the morning mayhem with the kids, I host the wife's
side of the clany at my place for a nice big roast beast. Seriously! Chef,
dig this, a 5 rib Wagyu ( sp?) prime rib with all the fixings.  I'm a busy
guy. But love it.

So again, to all you loyal FBO readers,

Awrabest and here's to 2009!!!

Nech & family.