Jeff writes
Yeah, you do. Well not necessarily flip them, but
change tapes. Can't remember the specifics and I'm too
lazy to look them up,
As I recall, just take both reels off, put an empty take-up reel and a new
reel full of blank tape on, thread the tape through the heads and onto the
take-up reel, and go. Only a little more complicated than flipping a
cassette :-)
More likely though, economic constraints dictated that you were using a
previously recorded-on reel and erasing what was on it. Or running the
reel you just recorded on back through the machine upside down (4 track =
stereo recording on tracks 1 and 3 in one pass, then 2 and 4 on second
- M., also too lazy to look up the specifics, but that's the dim memory I
have from the late 70s (one of two or three, har har...) of playing with
machines. Lookee, backward guitar solo, yippee!