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RE: zeppelin-digest V8 #2765

A few quickies...

1) What is the who/what/when/where of this vine. I want in. I've been
waiting for something like this. I live in the Boston, MA area (well
Buzzard's Bay if your familiar with MA.) Area Code 02740.

2) There was talk ( I can't seem to find the post) that people only wanted
to go one generation of burnt DVD from the master (silver) copy. I thought
the whole point of digital encoding is to make exact copies. Is there
something that I'm not considering that come is to play when you do this
sort of thing... like errors in the copy because it was not verified after

              Also some sub-questions on this:

              a) What brand of Media do you recommend
              b) What software/settings do you recommend
              c) Are there whitepapers that people are following with
guidelines for this sort of thing?
