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RE: burner purchase tips?

Plextor, all the way:

It's not a 16 or 24 that are out, but it's a killer unit.


- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-zeppelin@xxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-zeppelin@xxxxxxxx]On Behalf
Of Luddite00@xxxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 8:58 PM
To: zeppelin@xxxxxxxx
Subject: burner purchase tips?

Hey all,

I need to take the plunge and get a burner.  I have plenty of silvers and it
is time to share the music, make some trades, and become more involved on
trade trees.

I hoping to spend no more than $150 on a burner.  Can I get a quality one
this amount?  Any recommends?

Brian the "burner-virgin"