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Re: Mick Hucknall and Jimmy?

Just curious - Jimmy does have a grown daughter, so
does anyone know if Jimmy really IS a grandfather?

- --- Jsmasoud62@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 09:35:30 -0500
> From: "George Rue" <snowden@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Thank You on the EMA's
> That little display on the EMA's with Fred Durst was
> the lamest attempt of
> "Thank You" I've ever heard.  Jimmy has lowered
> himself once again.  First
> off, Jimmy played like shit, the guitar sounded like
> shit.  All sloppy as
> hell. A 12 year old can play better than that.  He
> just embarrassed himself.
> Fred can't sing and needs to be shot, so he can
> never do that again. When
> will fred go away.  This makes the Puff Daddy "Come
> With Me" seem brillant
> and incredible.  Another bad mistake.  When will
> Jimmy learn.
> Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. Jimmy needs to play
> with more mature musicians. 
> But, for Gawd's sake! not with Michael Jackson! I
> was also dismayed to hear 
> Jimmy refer to his child-bride as his "old lady".
> How common! So, what does 
> she call him in front of the general public?
> "Grand-dad"? Come on, Jimbo, 
> redeem yourself! Scoff if thou wilt, but I would
> LOVE to see you join Mick 
> Hucknall on stage! Help me here, Ladies, wouldn't
> that give us all a thrill?!?
> Pythia