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Re: Fw: bootleggers suck

>>I'd rather get a copy of the M>DAT that's been speed corrected and
whatnot... How do ya like them apples? :)

Cool. All the more power to ya. :) Happy trading!!

And I will keep sending my hard earned cash to Japan because I love
originals!!! Its just something about owning silver pressed originals 
the packaging. I guess you can say I'm a sucker but IT IS my money 
and I'll
spend it on my only hobby that I have when need be.  :)  Of course 
the wife
thinks I'm crazy but don't all our wives and girlfriends think that. 

Rock on people!!

My Led Zep Trading Page

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Perry Justus" <pjustus@xxxxxxx>
To: <zeppelin@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: bootleggers suck

> At 12:02 AM 7/27/01 -0400, you wrote:
> >Nicely said Brian.
> >
> >Also, did anybody complain when EV released the new Belfast show.
> >NOOOOOOO!!!! How about the new Electric Magic SB Detroit 73, EV 
> >Feeling
> >Groovy with rare encores, EV First Attack of the Rising Sun new 
> >9-23-71
> >source, etc.  I could go on and on.
> Actually, I've seen a few negative reviews of Black Velvet - 
> weren't the
> cuts pasted together from *other* shows??
> If there weren't any bootleggers, we would've seen stuff like the 
> new
> 09/23/71 and 11/16/71 sources a long time ago.
> >
> >For the people who complain about bootleggers, I hope you don't 
> >have the
> >balls to sign up for any future trees that come from Japanese 
> >original
> >releases. REMEMBER, it comes from bootleggers. :)  Isn't new 
> >Belfast from
> >source being treed soon?? I hope I don't see your e-mail addresses 
> >in
> >you hipocrits.
> I'd rather get a copy of the M>DAT that's been speed corrected and
> whatnot... How do ya like them apples? :)
> I own and will continue to trade for cd-r copies of shows, if the 
> bootleg
> source is the best... trading for the cd-r's is a way of "beating 
> the
> bootleggers" I suppose. I resent the boot labels and hoarding 
> bastards for
> not always releasing everything to the public. The almighty dollar 
> is
> y'know.
> Take care,
> Perry