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        Hello everyone! I am so happy right now to be subscribed to the new
Led Zeppelin mailing list! 

        I agree with Tom Hanna's suggestion that we email those on the
demograffiti list regarding this "alternative" to Digital Graffiti. I
totally felt left in the dark when I went into #ledzep last night on IRC and
found that there was a brand new list that everyone was so excited about,
and I was stuck on DG getting maybe five messages a day and wondering what
the hell happened. I am sure that there are many others who were in a
similar situation as me who would like to DG to return to its "glory days". 

        I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, and CONGRATULATIONS
to those who were instrumentive in getting this new list started. When I
discovered Digital Graffiti, I was so grateful that there were so many who
shared the same spirit for this wonderful, incredible, magical band. And
when all the pettiness started, and that spirit on the list was gone, it
just broke my heart. But I have confidence that this is a rebirth! I have so
much faith in you guys that I knew that the magic that DG once was couldn't
just be let to die. And of course you came through with this remarkable
alternative... :-)

        Can't you just taste how happy and giddy I am right now?! Anyway,
what I was trying to say was:      "This list is a great thing! We have to
let people know about it so they can be happy again like me!" 


        Thanks for listening, 
        Heather King 

"A lotta Led, it's good for the head..."