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SSS adding songs as they wind down this leg of the tour

Pretty sure I haven't seen these songs played by the SSS yet, at least in 2013.
I particularly like this arrangement, with the backing vocals reminiscent of 
the powerful SS versions from years back ... and Juldeh's instrument adds a 
very interesting and enjoyable touch.  Note:  The screen goes dark for most of 
the time between the 3 and 5 minute mark, but it's still worth listening 
because Robert's really letting his Big Voice rip in parts.   
Shine it All Around:
I've always preferred the album version of this song to the SS live airings.  
This time, the SSS seems to have changed things a bit, so it doesn't sound so 
empty in places, and Robert is in fine vocal form.
On a related note, I'm pleasantly surprised at how much publicity Robert's 
Brooklyn show is getting around here.  I personally haven't heard much about it 
(outside of a few mentions by FBO friend Carol Miller on the radio) but it must 
be out there because I've mentioned that I'm going to the show to multiple 
people, of varying ages and musical interests, and all of them have expressed 
an awareness/interest that he's coming to town.