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Re: NZC: Guest list for tonight's 121212 Concert at Madison Square Garden

That Kanye did suck! Imagine your kid walking in and telling you that's what he 
aspires to doing with his life? Ouch! 
I think Pete Townshend was great, good showmanship that waving arm! Why you 
looking at ol Rogers Chest there Nech! He had those when he was a kid, I 
remember him in a photo shoot, actually with Percy I think, in Creem or Hit 
parade, and he was wearing just shorts, I'm pretty sure they said what it was 
from. He's gotten strange I think, he surely does not look like a rocker at all.
Waters and Vedder, A+++, great mix of vocals. very cool, although Eddie having 
the lyrics written in his palm? I dunno, I know I could sing every word to that 
song for the past 30 years. 
I feel the same way as Nech on the Boss and Bon Jovi, Not my gig. But Ill tell 
you who I thought was great was Alicia keys, She was just jamming, on both 
songs, she was changing it up as she went along. She is my wife's favorite by 
far!! she listens to Alicia non stop (strange since she is a redneck Woman) and 
Billy Joel was great! I was out cold after Billy, New York state of mind was 
great.. Ill have to watch the nirvana boys and and macca later tonight! 
I think I started a thread back on here maybe 4 years ago or so, I won a copy 
of their concerts in Brazil? I forget the name, but it was terrible then, and 
it sure hasn't gotten better. Mick should easy up on the dancing, I was almost 
embarrassed for him, And Keef?? Sheeeeeit, I was looking for the Parrot on his 
shoulder more than the guitar at his waist!!
Good show though all in all, I contributed, it was worth it for that cause. My 
home town got stomped, terrible, I hope things work out for those that lost 
everything and did not deserve to. 

Christopher Leone 
Mobile Signing Solutions, Corp.


 From: Nech <tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Jonathan Bayer <jonathanbayer@xxxxxxx> 
Cc: Lalaha <lalaha7@xxxxxxxxx>; Jonathan Bayer <jonathanbayer@xxxxxx>; Clay 
Brennecke <claybrennecke@xxxxxxxxx>; zeppelin <zeppelin@xxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: NZC: Guest list for tonight's 121212 Concert at Madison Square 
Thanks for the pics.

Show was pretty good although there were some serious low points. At last in my 
opinion.  Kayne ??? Someone please tell me why or how this thing is popular? 
Man skirt?  sheesh..plain & simple YOU SUCK.  Adam Sandler...WTF?? For a 
worldwide audience we put a guy up there to destroy a beautiful song with words 
about man chicks blowing you? That didn;t get bleeped, by Roger Water's do 
goody good bullshit di? Seriously folks I just wanted to throw my remote at the 
screen.  I don't care fro Bruce nor Bon Jovi, but dammit, will give them 
applause and accolade for albeit cheesy, putting up an uplifting set of songs.
Stones? ewww.  If their whole live show nowadays is like this performance, I 
have no regrets about missing it. Question, how many musicians off stage or 
outta sight are there to make up for the one or  3 chords that Keef actually 
does play... if JJF was slowed down any further it's replace STH in a high 
school dance.  I was cringing in fear when I saw Eric come out with the 
acoustic dreading Layyyyyyyyllla , but was nicely surprised by his set and 
agree, it could have been longer. Speaking of Stones only 2 numbers? Not that I 
really was looking forward to more.  Alicia, sorry, you do nothing for me, you 
brought me down, switched to Moonshiners for that part.  The Who?  Strange time 
to be doing a Moon salute if you ask me. I was waiting for who the fuck are you 
to be bleeped, but either missed it or Roger was nice enough to omit it. And 
what's up with that scar on his gut? As wifey put it, and I was amazed with her 
observation, "At least Robert
 Plant keeps his shirt closed nowadays."  But no matter, still in decent shape, 
but did look kinda hokey to me. Roger & Vedder, nice. Liked that, could have 
used more Roger and was wishing that suddenly Gilmore would show up for the 
solo. THAT would have been epic.  When I saw Dave Grohl I was silently hoping 
for Jonesy to pop up, but instead was treated to a strange McVana.  Not a bad 
number in the end. Could not quite figure out what Paul was playing a cigar box 
something, but did happen to notice a Hagstrom on stage. ; )  Yes, I'm bidding 
on another one.  And in the end am very grateful he did not end the show with a 
15 minute rendition of Hey Jude. Liked his mix of numbers.

All in all save for those two cringeworthy moments a show worth burning to disc 
to save.

Back to bed for me. Got me a bug from hell. Bad timing, I got like NO shopping 
done so far and am clueless.  Thank Goodness this Santa's wife got's thing 
under control.   anyone here that can recomend a good EASY TO USE 
film/photo/slide scanner?
I'm thinking canascan9000F...

I don't she needs a CD dvd or bluray.

Jonathan Bayer wrote:

> The concert was pretty cool (though that lineup would have been really 
> amazing in 1978!). I did like the NIrvana/McCartney jam. I could have done 
> without Kanye. The Stones seemed to mail it in, but I don't think they want 
> to detract from their pay-per-view show on Saturday.  Im going to that show 
> and really looking forward to seeing Mick Taylor tear it up on Midnight 
> Rambler
> Here are a few photos 
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/jlbnyc/sets/72157632237362642/with/8269319206/
> On Dec 12, 2012, at 7:07 PM, Lalaha wrote:
>> Enjoy - should be a heck of a night!
>> Laura
>> On 12/12/12, Jonathan Bayer <jonathanbayer@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I'm on my way to the garden now!
>>> Should be a great night and its certainly  a worthy cause.
>>> On Dec 12, 2012, at 6:23 PM, Clay Brennecke <claybrennecke@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> No Zeppelin Content....
>>>> Here is the list of tonight's performer's and presenters in NYC at MSG
>>>> for
>>>> the huge benefit concert that will be starting shortly:
>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/eanlg04pce6vvdn/IMG_9887.jpg
>>>> What a line-up huh?!!!
>>>> Rock and Roll!
>>>> Clay Brennecke