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Re: on Dissapointment...my own...

Nech, no need to apologize for expressing your feelings.
With all due respect to Eddie and the others whole feel we
should "bury it and move on" sorry but I don't
agree. If Plant makes smarmy comments that upset us, we have
a right to express whatever we want without being branded
Plant bashers, unable to move on, etc. Those who don't
like our expressing such feelings should themselves
"bury it and move on."

By the way, you might not believe it, but I will be routing for Plant at the 
Grammies, although not all blogs I've read predict him a winner. Rolling Stone 
indirectly predicted no awards for him. We'll see.

> --- On Thu, 2/5/09, Nech <tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > From: Nech <tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Subject: on Dissapointment...my own...
> > To: "zeppelin" <zeppelin@xxxxxxxx>
> > Received: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 9:16 AM
> > Eddie L is right. I should not be mad at Plant. I
> should
> > bury it and move on. So apologies for my putburst
> yesterday,
> > but I cannot help but feel slighted by Plant telling
> me
> > I'd be dissapointed. He just got it wrong.
> > I wish him the best, as apparently it's been
> decided
> > him and Alisson and gonna be the big winners according
> to
> > every blog I see.  Good for them.
> > 
> > And Eddie is also right that I should be doubly
> > dissapointed in the J's. I am Eddie...I am. I
> really
> > really am.
> > Just way too much talent sitting there going to waste.
> > 
> > Clear headedly thinking about it, I can see where
> > Plant's coming from. As a musician ( I'm more
> > retired than any of them will ever be! ) I can totally
> agree
> > with the fear factor. I've blown so many
> opportunities
> > because I never considered myself good enough, or that
> I
> > would flub notes, or just not be up to par...and
> I'm a
> > nobody. I have no pressure to live up to anything ion
> my
> > life ( musically ) so I cannot even begin to conjure
> up what
> > goes on in the mind(s) of these guys. Maybe that's
> why
> > the J's tossed in the towel, no matter who they
> chose,
> > they would forever be compared to Zep, the singer to
> RObert,
> > no matter what they called themselves. And maybe
> trully felt
> > that even as a power trio, without RObert, it just
> > wouldn't be good enough.
> > 
> > How I wish they'd lower their standards.
> > 
> > Good Luck Robert. God Speed J's.
> > 
> > time to put up some pics...
> > 
> > Nech