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Re: 3D in movie theaters

The U23D movie was an amazing experience. I wish I could see it again.
A Zeppelin 3D performance would be mind blowing.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 8:14 AM, Nech <tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What if O2  ( what with all those cameras ) was already filmed in 3-D ?
> Only objection I can see ( no pun intended ) would be from Plant..." Hmmmphh
> this makes my nose look big..."
> sauerlemon@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> A great prediction regarding the technology of live films shot and
>> shown in 3D has become reality.
>> Of what concern is this to FBO? What relevance does this have to Led
>> Zeppelin?
>> 2. "My reason for posting this is a wishful one.  If the upcoming Zep
>> tour is a go, a 3D film of one of the performances would be out of
>> this world."
> Movie tickets are more affordable than concert
> You wouldn't think so if you had kids !!!
>> tickets.