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Re: Memories of Zep's Aussie Tour..

This time around I just cannot afford to do a video of my exhibit at
Knebworth House.  This first time out was more experimental to see how
the fans would respond and to see if I could actually do it.  It seems
I can, and now that I have made a lot of great contacts there are
plans for another bigger one.  The website will be updated soon and if
anyone wants to contribute memorabilia, ideas, or help for the the new
exhibit, please bookmark my website and keep in touch.
(memoriesinmusic.com)  The next exhibit will be in a larger venue, and
I will be able to do more things now that I have the experience and
more help.

Flash photography is not allowed in the House, as the UV in the flash
deteriorates the valuable antiques in there.  I do have more photos of
the exhibit that I was allowed to take at the reception party.  A
wonderful Zep fan Ian volunteered to be our official photographer and
did a wonderful job!  And I think he is on board for the next one too.
 This time I will feature the memorabilia in a more cataloged way,
sort of like an auction catalogue with photos and explanantions of
where everything came from if you all think that is something it would
be worth the effort to produce?  This time out I just couldn't manage
something that big along with everything else to do.

I will post more photos on the Memories In Music website when the
exhibit is over.  At the moment I'm flat out trying to earn money for
the ABC.  All help with that is appreciated and much needed.  :)

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 12:47 AM, Dan Copenhaver <zbird@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As I was at this page I saw another clip listed that said LZ Exhibit and
> thought it was Annie's Knebworth project. It was not..I searched if there
> were any video clips of it, which turned up nothing.
> A few vids of this thing could be fun to watch so we who can't make it could
> at least get a feel for what all is there a bit better. Plus I want to see a
> good close up of this clock!
> Unless video's are not allowed in the place....
> Dan
> i just saw this on youtube... maybe its posted before, about recent photos
> that emerged from the tour...
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bdxKEz_7v4