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Re: 2 New Zep Books

I have a friend who works for Classic Rock magazine who has seen the
advance copy of the book sent for review.


2008/8/11 Eddie Lombardi <elombardi70@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Where did you hear that from Meg?
> Mick is a respected journalist in the rock music field and I can't imagine he 
> would write anything that would be a hatchett job.  He'll definitely be 
> honest though and won't pull his punches.  I've read the Star Trippin' book 
> he put out which is a compilation of articles he wrote and they are well 
> written and very honest.
> Eddie
>> From: stevethomson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> To: zeppelin@xxxxxxxx
>> Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 08:06:04 -0400
>> Subject: Re: 2 New Zep Books
>> I'm not sure about that. I seem to recall references on Ross Halfin's diary 
>> that suggest Wall travels in the same circles and is friends with Ross, 
>> Jimmy et al. I doubt he'd turn out to be another Stephen Davis. At one point 
>> IIRC Halfin mentioned Wall's blog as being very funny so I followed it for a 
>> time. Quite frankly it wasn't that interesting but he kept mentioning his 
>> work on the Zeppelin book and he seemed to hold them in very high esteem, so 
>> I imagine it'll be ok. It might talk about the "underbelly" of it all but 
>> let's face it, our guys were no angels! No honest portrait of the band is 
>> going to totally brush aside those aspects of the story.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Meg Ireland
>> Date: Monday, August 11, 2008 6:35
>> Subject: Re: 2 New Zep Books
>> To: zeppelin@xxxxxxxx
>>> I'm not. I've been told it's a hatchett job on the band in the same
>>> vein as the Stephen Davis book.
>>> Meg
>>> 2008/8/11 Eddie Lombardi :
>>>> Really looking forward to the Nick Wall book. He's been
>>> working on that for ages.
>>>> Eddie
>>>>> Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 04:48:02 -0500
>>>>> From: captcrunge@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> To: zeppelin@xxxxxxxx
>>>>> Subject: 2 New Zep Books
>>>>> Ta Have !
>>>>> http://www.amazon.com/dp/0752875477/?tag=googhydr-
>>> 20&hvadid=2324379531&ref=pd_sl_10rk9ohkig_e>>
>>>>> http://www.amazon.com/Whole-Lotta-Led-Zeppelin-
>>> Illustrated/dp/0760335079/ref=sr_1_27?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218447961&sr=1-27