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Re: 'Sonic Boom' by Frank Reddon

Guess the cat's out of the bag now... without giving away too much, I highly recommend Mr. Reddon's work without having read it - during the process of research, I was approached to participate in a series of interviews concerning the very earliest days of Led Zeppelin, my opinions and observations on such, and the factors I considered most relevant and important in the development of the band and how they've remained influential over the years, and I did so, feeling very honored, flattered and humbled to have been asked.

It's Frank's story and I'd prefer to allow him to tell it in his book, but I will state here that Frank Reddon is absolutely professional, very interested in the truth about Led Zeppelin and the music in general, and certainly exceeded my very high standards for someone I would consider lending a hand to his project. Certainly no Andrew Goodwin, for example. I personally can't wait for the book to come out - in talking with Frank about the depth and thoroughness of his research, I really feel like he went the extra mile to find what I would consider the master tapes of history, if you will, depending entirely on firsthand sources and finding some players in the cast that nobody's ever found before. Like I said, I haven't read the book, but Frank Reddon himself has my endorsement, and I wish him and his project nothing but the absolute best, and recommend it sight-unseen to everyone with an interest in how the world was conquered.


Wyatt Brake wrote:

I assume that many of you are going to be ordering the first book
listed on the above website, which is now available for pre-orders,
but I haven't seen much talk about it on-list.  I noticed that many
familiar names (Bruce, TimD, and The Lemon, to list but a few) have
contributed to the first volume, so I'm assuming that this will be
worth every penny... but I was hoping for a little feedback from
others to ensure that I won't be disappointed.

The first book is to be 700 pages, but from the descriptions of each
of the three planned books, the entire focus seems to be on the band's
earliest days.  I know a lot of collectors believe Zeppelin peaked in
1969 and they have little interest for what came afterward, but I'm
more of a 'complete works' kind of guy - I love virtually all of it,
and I can enjoy most aspects of each era.  I would even confess that
I'm more likely to listen to a '75 show than a '69 show.  I'm
wondering if the narrow focus on the early days is going to be a bit
'Over the Top' for people like me, since in most Zeppelin books, I
tend to try to get through the stuff about how the band got together
as quickly as I can, because what they did later holds more interest
for me.

I will probably end up buying these books because I'm the type of
person that likes to have and read everything I can get my hands on,
but I'm wondering if there's anyone else out there who thinks three
books about Zeppelin which seem (again, by the descriptions - someone
please tell me if I'm reading them incorrectly or uncomprehendingly)
not to touch anything beyond the first two albums.

Thanks -


...who is emerging after a week in which he re-read the seven-volume
Harry Potter series.  Just so you know what kind of a complete dork
you're dealing with...