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BOTM#8 part 2 of 2

Again the audience is cut and we return to hear Jimmy jangling his d modal harmonics and Bonzo's Gong before the familiar 12th 7th fret strokes of W/S kick in. It's quite a workout between "breaks" As Jimmy breaks into BMS at the 4 minute mark, he gets a round of applause as the audience recognize the number as one off the LZ 4 divided by 2 album ; ) Or did they recognize Bert ? Nah, I doubt it. Next Jimmy goes off into a disjointed Morrocan ragah and as Bonzo joins in I swear it sounds like a motorcycle starting up!!!! Take a listen...right at 07:00 and tell me what you hear!!! It always amazes me the particular tone Jimmy has with this guitar. almost makes me wanna go and get a Danelectro just ta have. Not that it would ever make me as fast as Jimmy, but just tah have. It eventually weaves its way back into WS and is over before you know it. "White Summer!!! Jimmy Page!!!!" and again the audience is cut.....

We return to Babe I'm gonna leave You. I wonder if Plant just got confused as he starts of the second verse with Baaaaaaaabe I'm gonna ramble....I'm gonna Ramble on. Ad libbing or ???? Hey, I wonder if CTA did 25 or 6 to 4 after hearing Zep's monster crush on this traditional number in Detroit ? Plant continues with the Baby I'm gonna Ramble until he actually does go right into doing the full first verse of Ramble on lyrics!!! Dave Lewis mentioned doing a Love thing of Zep numbers...why bother Dave, they already did it themselves all those years ago!!! You know, looking back, I think BIGLY in these early years was not one of my favorite numbers they did live. There are some standouts of course along the way, but in general, nothing could ever do the studio version justice. Decades later resurrect in P/P I appreciated it much more.

Pat's Delight is now Moby Dick with LZII out there. A little stickum on Jimmy's finers during the brief solo prior to the meat of the drum solo but almost perfect... This one's got it's moments....building and fading with some killer drills here and there and the audience applause to show it. I guess to really appreciate these solos you gotta see it to believe it. Especially these early '69 '70 ones. I mean, watching Bonzo during RAH on DVD is jaw dropping. Just listening to it doesn't have the same effect on me. Some moments sound very similar to what found its way onto LZII, but only a scarce few. This one could also have really benefitted from a better recording, but we have what we have. The last buildup before JPJ & JP's return certainly would've tired me out. "Seriously...John Bonham"

And unfortunately that's how this one ends... Too bad as I would've really liked to have heard HMMT consideringhow Plant was having fun with Lyrics and Page 'experimenting' with new things.

 All in all, a decent one for a quick 1 cd live Zep fix.
