On Mon, 27 Nov 2006, Bob wrote:
Cool! Except you should use X-Chat instead! :) PerryNo, BitchX is the best! :-)
I didn't realize that X-chat was an IRC client, I am not familiar with it. I will have to check it out.
I remember using BitchX a few times back in the old days, but I suspected it might be better if you actually have a linux machine at your house, am I correct? I never got too into it myself, but I knew it was a VERY powerful client. It is what most of the hardcore IRC people use......theym hate mIRC (kind of like how internet users hated AOL users when AOL first got access to the net)
The #ledzep channel is not intended for hardcore users though! Just for Zep fans to chat about zep and whatever :)
Jeremy R. Mixer / mixer@xxxxxxxx / mixer893@xxxxxxxxx Co-admin- "For Badgeholders Only" www.zoso.net ****** BOB FOR PRESIDENT ******