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Re: Bittorent problems - please HELP!!

Michael.Maclennan@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I presume he was talking about bittorent and streaming
etc. Ive never been able to "do this" despite the best advice from Von
about what I need to download [ive lost that email so I cant refer to
it] shows.

Yes, I was referring to bitorrent. Once you have set up the client on your pc , it really can't get any easier. There are many bitorrent clients out there. The one I had used that never seemed to give me troubles was called, incredibly, bitorrent. http://www.bittorrent.com/download.html You download whichever one suits your OS, install it and then go searching for shows.

There are many sites out there. Some of the most popular ones I've run across are DimeaDozen, The Traders Den, Pure Live Gigs, and countless others... For all you have to sign up for an account. I think Dime is so maxxed out they might not even be accepting new members. There are many many more sites...just do a search on "Zeppelin torrent" and click away.

Anyhoo, once you've signed up and find a show, really all you should have to do is double click on the torrent link , the bitorrent client fires up, you give it a folder name and let it run its course.

You will also then need a program to convert the flac ( most popular ) files into waves for burning to cdr. I have used DBpoweramp without any hitches as well. There are many more. Again, just do a search on flac.

Almost any torrent site has an extensive FAQ section explaining all of this in painful detail.

 Good luck,

~~~ Jimmy in '07!~~~