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Re: First boot

Depends what you mean really. When I was at school, a friend had a copy of 
'Going to California' (Berkeley 14/9/71) - a double album on blue vinyl. 
Bearing in mind this would be about 1972 or 1973, this was incredibly cool. He 
lent it to me and I copied it onto a reel to reel tape recorder I had at the 
time. I seem to remember that the quality wasn't all that good. When I first 
discovered the world of CD trading, a very kind trader sent me copies of 3 
shows that he had spare. Strangely enough, one of them was 'Going to 
California' - the quality was much better than I remembered, so maybe it was a 
different source than my friend's vinyl copy. I also got 'Reflections from a 
dream' Tokyo 1971 and Bremen 1980, so they would be my first boots.