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survey results so far (nzc)

If you have not filled out the survey that I posted last night, please do. I amy repost it later in the week, but so far I have gotten very valuable input and I nwill attempt to summarize what I have gotten so far:

One of the biggest complaints is off topic posts, or some members posting too much. One suggestion is this- if you have a lot of points to make, put them all in one email. Save the draft of the email and keep posting points to that same email. And as far as off topic posts go, think before you post. I can't tell you how many times I have written out a post and then read it over and cancelled it because I realized it wouldn't be of much interest to anyone. Use your best judgement.

It has also been pointed out that some people might not post because they might be intimidated by the regulars who have been around here for a long time and are very intimidated by the knowledge of some of the senior members. Folks- please don't be, we were all in the same position once.

Another common thing that has been mentioned is to find ways to encourage other people to post. One person mentioned that we should require everyone to post once a month, and while I think that might be a little extreme (knowing that at least half of the members just want to read) I think it is important for all of us to actively encourage conversation and different input. More open ended questions. It would also be great if we could frequently encourage people, upon joining, to send an introduction letter about why they like Zep, when they've seen Zep, things like that. And also to post more open ended questions that encourage discussion and debate.

When disagreeing, please do so constructively. It can intimidate people if you have a "nasty tone" to your email. remember, it is email, not a conversation in person. So while your intended tone might not be "nasty" it is very easy to interperate it as such.

Someone else posted that they have sometimes posted questions that have been ignored. And that questions that people post a lot should be added to the FAQL, which should be updated more regularly than it has been. I know I, for one, try to answer what I can hen I see it....but to be perfectly honest, I don't have the time to read through every post. So many times, I might not read the question....Another reason a question might not eb answered is because it has already been addressed in the FAQL or the IFMTL...

The IFMTL is at http://www.oldbuckeye.com/ledzeppelintrivia.html
The FAQL....the link on Buckeye's page seems to not be working, I seem to remember someone else posting it somewhere else, I will get back to you on this, and let Bruce know what the modern link is...

The most important thing to remember is this: the content of this list does not depend on the list admins (myself, Bob, and Nech) it depends on all of us that are subscribed. We want to encourage people to post and to have good discussion of all things Zeppelin. With the diverse amount of people on this list, not everyone will always agree on what should and shouldn't be posted (many stated they don't care about what clothes RObert is wearing for example, while many others might find this relevent)

The key to remember is this- Led Zeppelin's music. Granted, with no one touring there is only so much to discuss about a band that has not existed for almost 26 years, but it is amazing that the majority of people on this list are still die hard fans this long after the fact. The discussions on here are up to ALL of us, and I think it is important for those of us who have been around for 10+ years on DG/FBO that many people were not around for some discussions and maybe it might not hurt to have it discussed again. E-Mail filters can come in handy when there are certain topics you don't care for, or if there is someone who has posts that you find redundant...use email filters. This is the advantage of ther egular list over teh digest....however, I think it's important to stress to those that do post regularly to have respect for those that read the digest, and limit your posting. I've seen some lists that limit your posts to 5 a day, and while I do not see us implementing anything like that, I think it's a good guideline to go by.

Keep the survey results coming in so I can get a better idea of the broad spectrum of opinions. My main goal in this is to pass the common ideas onto the list and use them to help generate better discussion.


Jeremy R. Mixer / mixer@xxxxxxxx / mixer893@xxxxxxxxx
Co-admin- "For Badgeholders Only" www.zoso.net

******            BOB FOR PRESIDENT            ******