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RE: Incredible News Archive Findings (Led Zeppelin)

Nice, thanks for sharing.  While skimming through the article it was refreshing to see new photos I hadn't seen before.  And also had to snicker that they will likely be used on soon-to-be bootleg art soon! 

From:  tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To:  zeppelin <zeppelin@xxxxxxxx>
Subject:  Incredible News Archive Findings (Led Zeppelin)
Date:  Fri, 17 Nov 2006 09:33:58 -0500
>Thanks to an extremely cool good soul watching our backs overseas I
>got this super uber cool news flash for all serious Zep heads.
>Major cool stuff... Thanks!!! Some pics I've never seen
>before...save as save as save as and print article...you bet!!
>And I think I've found the perfect quote for a sig file
>>While speaking out on controversial issues of the day seems to
>>comprise a majority of the songs on the record charts today,
>>Zeppelin is satisfied to express simply what they feel, "we're
>>musicians not politicians," said Page.
>Many thanks.
>"We're musicians, not politicians." - Jimmy Page 09/30/72
>  ~~~~ Vote BoB!~~~
>>Exclusive concert review with exceptional photographs taken during
>>Zeppelin's 1970 Frankfurt concert at the Festhalle can be seen at
>>the above
>>Confirmation that a press conference for the 1972 Japanese Tour was
>>(Hilton Hotel, Tokyo Japan, Sat, Sept 30th 1972) has been revealed
>>for perhaps
>>the first time since it was orginally reported 34 years ago an d
>>can be found at
>>the link above. Includes B&W photos and quotes from the event.
>>Stars & Stripes is a daily newspaper published for members of the
>>armed forces
>>serving overseas. There are two editions, European and Pacific.