As far as UU goes, it would be nice to see some reviews posted up that offer a different point of view than those presented by the site owner, and a select few who. Punchy and powerful are adjectives I have grown to hate.
Oddly enough, the only place I'm actually seeing these accusations is on a site that seems to have sprouted a particular vengeance against the label in question.
Even more odd is the assertion that the reviewers in question both at UU and Hotwacks as well, would post up good reviews without taking a good close listen to the most important tracks on the new release... ?!
A deep sinister ploy ? Or a case of a label being duped ? Somehow, I just can't see an up and coming label shooting themselves in the foot like that. I was sent 3/4 second sample so can't make any judgements based on that. I mean, would 2 old trusted sites AND an new label shoot themselves down like that ? Something really dosen't make sense.
Meanwhile across the Jimmy limbering up his fingers or getting a good comfy seat ?
Nech lvtapetrader@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Grant, You have brought up some very good points in your post. Is it possible for every review to be posted whether good or bad? What would would happen if this was let to happen? I think we'd see the quality of that site go downhill in no time. The majority of the reviews would be a hatefest from people who obviously haven't even listened to the show they're reviewing. As for the Beezlebub reviews I think it could be that the reviews were posted before the discussion on the so called tampering came to light. What do you think? -----Original Message-----From: Grant Burgess <grantburgess2001@xxxxxxxx> Sent: Nov 14, 2006 6:56 AM To: FBO Mailing List <zeppelin@xxxxxxxx> Subject: Is Underground Uprising Objective? I've been wondering this a lot over the past couple of years. This first thing that turned my suspicions on to this was a few years ago when this site never seemed to review products that came from the ElectricMagic/Celebration labels.