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(NRZC)Origin of the Hurdy Gurdy?

I just received a phone call from my husband,  who happens to work with a man 
named Jimmy Page.

This man is my age and  totally country...he didn't even know who our "Jimmy 
Page" was...of course he  has been made aware that he shares the name of the 
most famous JIMMY PAGE  ever...lol

Anywho, the husband calls to ask me..and his semi exact words  were..."I've 
got a few quick questions...what's the name of that ancient  instrument, with 
that  crank you turn, that sort of sounds like bagpipes?  The instrument that  
guy in the Unledded dvd plays,    and  is it a Scottish instrument, and is it 
the instrument used in Copperhead  Road?   <insert me laughing>

Apparently Owen and Jimmy  were discussing Steve Earle's song "Copperhead 
Road" and wondering if during the  intro of the song...was it bagpipes or a 
gurdy, which led to other  questions etc...

My reply, was that it's bagpipes used in the song, and  the instrument in 
question is a Hurdy Gurdy, and THAT GUY is Nigel Eton, and off  hand, all I can 
tell you is it dates back to about the 12th century and where it  originated I 
really have no idea, but I know it showed up in Hungary, Spain,  France, 
Germany and the U.K...but it's NOT Scottish.

SO...anyone really  "know" where that instrument originated? I took a few 
mins to look online and  there seems to be a lot conjecture about it's origin, 
but there's just a ton of  things online one could read...and I can't possibly 
get thru it all. 

I  thought perhaps someone on list might know right off. I'm just a bit 
curious now  is all.

Thanx in advance for any info that might be passed my  way.