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NZC Re: Scrooge hits priority mail

On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, PajLvr@xxxxxxx wrote:

Well Nathan was sending me some blank media, so  I could burn him some Zep
related dvd's, only he sent it priority mail, which  arrived today, AND the box
had been ripped open and all contents removed. My  mailman actually delivered
me THE empty box.

I sincerely hope you are trying to get ahold of every possible manager in the post office (postmaster, gostmaster generals, etc) because that is a complete federal offense......and I would suggest Nathan do the same. Especially if they were blank. There is nothing you can say to that.....it's rediculous and enexcusable.

In a world where both of our cars were totally under water,
   Jeremy R. Mixer / mixer@xxxxxxxx / mixer893@xxxxxxxxx
      Co-admin- "For Badgeholders Only" www.zoso.net
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