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Re: Ooh my head! rOCK oN!

- -)------>
You know when I saw the post re: dvd ripping software I immediately 
thought...Don't you even 
think about it.
Glad to see all the stern objections and warnings before I threw in mine. It 
cannot be 
stressed enough just how
verbotten THAT is. Sorry Joe one for the Zeppin-Hood road.
- -)------>

Copying the DVD is *certainly* verbotten.

But I think you are going a bit far with this:

Consider how many people will load up those CD's onto there RIO players?

Does this not break your law of "Thou Shall Not Copy"?

Some people will make an archival copy, just because they do not want to risk 
the originals in the car, and will place the original back in a safe place and 
use the copy
for day to day use.

Does this not break your law of "Thou Shall Not Copy"?

How about the blind man who cannot see the DVD, but can hear the audio. Is there
really much difference from the guy who can only listen on his RIO player?

I believe the laws should read: 

(A) "Thou Shall *NOT* Bootleg Nor Pirate Legitimate Releases".

(B) "Thou *SHALL* fill your RIO player with as much Zep as it will hold".

Now, I do not care if you fill your RIO player with the music from the CD's
or the DVD's. Just make sure you do fill it up and and beyond anything else, 
enjoy it!

As far as rule "A", we need no more reminding. I doubt there are many people
here who bootleg legitimate releases, and the FBI warnings on the packaging
seem to serve the purpose just fine.

I certainly hope that the boys put out an audio verison of DVD shows, and I know
we will all be in line to purchase them when an of they do. It would be an 
revenue stream for them, and would make us fans pretty damn happy to be able to
take the audio along with us. Like most of the fans here, I would buy it just 
to complete
my collection.

Finally, I am a bit insulted by the remark "one for the Zeppin-Hood road".

The ZeppinHood newsgroups have never condoned bootlegging of any sort.
and we do not alllow our system to be used for bootlegging.

We have a "No Tree" policy in effect. Our terms and conditions of use also
include the neccessary contact information for reporting copyright infrengment,
including everything necessary to live up to the D.M.C.A.

>Now that I think about it I should've bought those fab FBO business cards I got
> from the Zeppin-hood to give out!!!! Contact me about that please Joe.

They do Rock!!!

You know where I am at, and while your there, why not get a few ZeppinHood
cards to hand out as well :)
