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re: Today Show

Jimmy's Shirt!?!  What about the sneakers he was wearing that looked like he 
just mowed his front lawn in them?  Of course based upon concert photos, he 
did wear the same shoes on stage for most of '73 to '77 so maybe that's an 

Seriously though, I did catch the interview this morning before work and was 
more than a little pissed at Katie Couric's bullshit comments and nervous 
laughter about how she though she and Matt were like Wayne and Garth.  What 
a bunch of garbage since Page, Plant and Jones are all legendary musicians 
who accomplished more professionally than she could hope to accomplish in a 
lifetime.  It seemed to me that she treated the lead in to the interview 
like Twisted Sister was going to be interviewed for Christ Sake!

Jimmy seemed to be anxious to speak and answered most of the questions 
himself while Jones had a an answer as well.  Plant only answered one 
question that came from a preview and not the full interview itself although 
I could see that he was trying to get a word in to add to Jimmy's answer 
about the first time they played Stairway LA.  He also fired back to Lauer's 
canned question about the reunion possiblities with something like "Well 
that depends how good your are on drums" which would have certainly made me 
squirm if I were in the interviewer's seat.

Not sure about the chemistry between the three on but there was little 
interaction.  I won't speculate on the relationship between them because 
it's not my place to do so and I can't stand when people write into this 
list like their best friends with the band and that's why Jimmy dissapproves 
of the Swan Song logo on Jason Bonham's bass drum or why Robert flips shit 
to why Jonesy doesn't flip it back because he's too nice a chap.

I do think though that good footage was shown from the DVD, I just didn't 
think that the hosts/interviewers had the experience or maturity to properly 
interview musicians of this stature who have accomplished so much.  All in 
all if you missed it this morning don't worry about it since it was OK but 
nothing great.  What I'd like to know is when are they going to appear on 
Conan?  Did I miss it?  Not only is he a great fan (i.e. the many Zep 
references on his show) but I think he would initiate discussion that would 
be both funny and intriguing rather than worn out.  Anyone remember how 
excited he was to have Jimmy on with the Black Crowes a few years back?

Frankly, I've been overrun by all of the interviews which generally divulge 
the same information however there have been some great ones that people 
have sent in.  Thanks for all the info.

Take Care,

>From: Fyrclwn@xxxxxx
>To: zeppelin@xxxxxxxx
>Subject: re:  Today Show
>Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 09:10:47 -0400
>waaaaaay too short!
>surprised that Pagey spoke so much, and amazed that Plant was so quiet.  
>i'm also thinking that the strategic placement of Plant between Page & 
>Jones was a sort of "psy-ops" to show that they're all on speaking terms 
>again.  body language/facial expressions...looked like Robert would rather 
>have been doing laps, watching the Wolves, or getting a root canal.  (or 
>waiting for a question he hasn't been asked 50 million times already)  cool 
>that they all gave Bonzo kudos, and tried (once more) to explain that 
>Zeppelin wouldn't be Zeppelin without the magic that was made by the four 
>of them together.  also noticed that Jimmy's still into the sparkly 
>clothes!  LOL  what _was_ that on his shirt, anyway?
>the fireclown