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You pick a topic: CD/DVD/Plant

I guess I can just say that I am blown away, mostly by watching the DVDs.  The
look, the energy, watching Jimmy's fingers or Bonham's sticks or Jonsey, maybe
Robert's head and hands.   The lambchops under the goldilocks is a sweet look,
that's for sure. 

Obligatory Plant Radio Story:
This AM Robert was on "Minnesota's home for Classic Rock & Roll" to talk about
the album.  In the hour prior to him coming on the Morning Crew related a news
story about a young girl here who is blind, who's "hero" is Mariah Carey. Carey
has cancelled her local show at the Xcel, etc but before that happened this
girl's grandmother went to the MC website and sent an email: "I know this could
probably never happen, but if MC could meet with Michelle for even 5 minutes,
it would mean so much to her."  Someone from the MC website emailed back a very
crass response. Read the whole story if you want at: 

Well, the Morning Crew asked Robert to say hello to this girl, as a way to maybe
turn the girl down the right path, the path of Rock and Roll and Led Zeppelin.
 They didn't give Percy the whole story, just asked him to say hello to this
blind 10 year old girl.   He was so gracious; "Good morning, Michelle, it's
a beautiful day. You can just smell and feel that it's a beautiful day, and
I send you my love."  Some thing like that. 

How classy is that? I was blown away.  Other than that Percy talked a bit about
how damn early it was, how they had to get a DVD out sooner rather than later,
and how he enjoys playing tennis and fornicating (his words).  

I thought the story about the girl was the best; that these guys have had and
lost and experienced their own pain, and maybe understand what little impact
they might have on someone's life.  

Well, I got to get back to work. Just enjoying the tunes. I don't recall ever
seeing so much traffic over the listserv either. Ever.  Glad that this is as
important to as many people as it is.

Have a great weekend.