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re: Today Show

Entirely too short!  Loved Katie Couric's and Matt Lauer's comments
about having a Wayne and Garth moment (the headbanging was cute, as
was Katies' comment about feeling like she was in the 8th grade
again) and Matt feeling "not worthy."  :D

I noticed how Robert's body language looked like he was expecting to
get attacked and not looking forward to it, too.  Wonder if he was
missing a good football or tennis match...teehee.  :)

I just wanna see that part of the DVD where Robert sings "That's the
Way" again...yum!  So when is that VHS coming out for those of us
without DVD players?  I want one!  Any news about if we can order
them from the UK or something yet?


- --Uni

- --- Fyrclwn@xxxxxx wrote:
> waaaaaay too short!
> surprised that Pagey spoke so much, and amazed that Plant was so
> quiet.  i'm also thinking that the strategic placement of Plant
> between Page & Jones was a sort of "psy-ops" to show that they're
> all on speaking terms again.  body language/facial
> expressions...looked like Robert would rather have been doing laps,
> watching the Wolves, or getting a root canal.  (or waiting for a
> question he hasn't been asked 50 million times already)  cool that
> they all gave Bonzo kudos, and tried (once more) to explain that
> Zeppelin wouldn't be Zeppelin without the magic that was made by
> the four of them together.  also noticed that Jimmy's still into
> the sparkly clothes!  LOL  what _was_ that on his shirt, anyway?
> the fireclown