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And now, time to reflect

As we all sit with our new Zep CDs and DVDs wailing away on our stereos,
take the time to reflect:  this is probably the LAST official Led Zeppelin
release we shall see.  Unlike some other bands (The Who, for example) the
likelihood of seeing individual shows released, either in part or in their
entirety, is nil in the Zeppelin camp.

This, of course, excludes TSRTS live album & DVD, which in recent months
Jimmy has mentioned redoing.  And thank god, because if there was ever a
sore spot in Zeppelin's catalog, that'd be the one.

Is it just me, or am I the only one who prefers DVD 2 over 1?  Don't get me
wrong - the Royal Albert Hall material is fantastic and I dig it.  But I'm
more into the "power and glory" era (73 on) of Zep.  And Knebworth stands up
strong against the others, too.  I've often pointed to Aug 4 1979 as one of
my favorite shows and been beat down for doing so; hopefully this DVD has
changed a few minds!

Love that MSG '73 footage <snicker>.  We start with "Black Dog," which is
about 75% Shepperton Studios (Aug 1974) video material; then trickle down to
"The Ocean" with its 0.5% Shepperton visuals.  Gotta love that  :)
Obviously Zep thought certain songs needed redoing, while others not.