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New committee named

Hello fellow Badgeholders!

I am pleased to announce the new committee to serve the four month term
from today (May 15) until September 14.

Before naming them, I would like to thank our previous committee, who was
probably the most overworked committee in the history of this list. Things
have quieted down now, but I think the list owes these three a LOT for as
much time as they devoted to it during their term. Hopefully things will
never be that hectic again. The three outgoing committee members:

Mike Tompkins <mmglass@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Michael Gilson <tangerineman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Nech <tytlane@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

The three of you were an excellent committee, and future committees should
look up to you and everything that you've done. Ideally the committee
shouldn't have to do anything, but sometimes,it is necesarry, and these
three did everything that they needed to do. Also thanks to the four
crisis committee members, together with the 3-member committee they
accomplished something that had not yet become necesarry in the nearly 6
years of this list's existance.

The new committee for the term of May 15, 2002 through September 14,
2003 is as follows:

Kat Dalton (aylakat@xxxxxxx)
Jim (JSalasek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Von (PajLvr@xxxxxxx)

The committee MUST be on the FBO admin list, it is a very low volume list
designated for administrative discussion. All FBO members are also
invited to join. From Eddie Edwards charter page:

The FBO Admin list exists for the purpose of discussing FBO administration
issues, e.g., committee activities, committee appointments, charter
modifications, technical problems etc.

To subscribe to the Admin list, send an email to <Majordomo@xxxxxxxx> with
the following text in the body of the email:

subscribe admin

To post to the admin list, send email to <admin@xxxxxxxx>

- --------

The committee's job is a body made up of 3 to 7 members that is authorized
to enforce the mailing list's written policies, and authorized to instruct
the List Administrator to take disciplinary action. The Committee is not
authorized to interpret policy based on any criteria other than those
outlined in this charter. The Committee is not authorized to ignore,
modify, or add to any policy. The Committee has no authority over itself
or its operation; that power resides with the Members.

The full FBO charter can be viewed here:


Thanks to all who volunteered. There will be plenty of oppertunities to
serve if you didn't make it on this time around.

All committee members are encouraged to email past committee members, the
admin list, or any of the three admins if you have any questions.

Your FBO admins

Jeremy Mixer (mixer@xxxxxxxx)
Bob Rood (mirader@xxxxxxxx)
Bruce Deerhake (buckeye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)