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From Blueberry Hill to the Troubadour

 As most of us Zep freaks know, after the Sept 4, 1970 concert blow out at 
the LA Forum (immortalised by the Blueberry Hill bootleg) the Zeppelin crew 
headed over to Hollywood's Troubadour club to catch the end of Fairport 
Convention's set.  We've long heard that a multi track tape exist of the 2 
bands mixing it up on the Troubadour stage.   An album of Fairport recordings 
from their run there (Sept 4-6) surfaced in 1986 called House Full.  This was 
a reworking of a mid 70's release.  

It's recently been remastered and released on Island in England and is well 
worth seeking out if you're at all interested in electrifing folk rock, not 
to mention as a companion piece to your Blueberry Hill boot.  Unfortunately 
the new remaster still does not include any late night jamming with the Zep 
boys but the original 1986 liner notes from producer Joe Boyd are included 
and tell why.  They confirm that a tape of the two bands "playing" together 
exist and is in his possession.  While this is not new information,  I 
figured many would appreciate a transcript of a fairly hilarious and 
entertaining passage from Boyd's liner notes.

"There is one take of 'Primrose you won't hear.  Late one night the fellow 
members of the Birmingham Water Buffalo Club (some disgusting Midlands 
beer-drinking ritual is the membership requirement) Led Zeppelin fell by to 
destroy a few ballads and jigs.
Swarbrick's opening verse is drowned out by the dulcet tones of Zep's soft 
spoken manager Peter Grant, remonstrating with the waitress who was trying to 
remove beer bottles from his front row table.  The music that followed was, 
like Grant's oaths and the membership regulations of the BWBC, not fit for a 
family album, which this certainly is.  So don't write in asking for Volume 
11.  Peter Grant might try some of his dulcet tones on me if I tried to issue 
those tapes."

Maybe someone can hook Joe up with the guys at Watchtower.  I doubt they'd 
have a problem releasing it and Joe wouldn't have to worry about G chasing 
him down.

Two weeks to go...man, it's going to be loud in my house. 
Rock 'n roll,