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Jackass vs. Zep? Stereo probs. Promo cd, would like copy!

I have tried to refrain from posting such blatant nonsensible bullshit, but 
dammit, I am listening to a Zep boot, and the song is OtHaFA....and quite 
frankly, everytime I hear it, I think of the show on Empty-V..."Jackass", and 
when I catch "Jackass" I think of OtHaFA...someone tell me, PLEASE....there 
is a riff from Zep's song, and also a riff from the "theme song" of 
"Jackass", are these one and the same? I have not compared them side by side, 
cause I don't have the mtv show on tape etc..but they sound an awful alot 
alike. I cannot tell you *exactly* what riff it is, but if you heard it, you 
would definately know it.
On another side note....my freakin stereo is acting up, and it is basically 
brand new...it is stuck in repeat mode for playing cd's...now this is soooo 
damn annoying. Anyone have any idea why? I cannot take it back etc...It was a 
free choice of ANY stereo I wanted at the time, from yours truly..."Best 
Buy", and it has a surround sound system etc.. I cannot have this happening 
NOW, not with HtWWW coming soon, but not soon enough. It plays dvd's fine, 
tapes etc...just cd's are f*cked up! Who wants to go hit the *next* button at 
the end of every song, and YES I have set and reset the *mode*. Doesn't work.
Insight's readily welcome
BTW....My local CLEAR CHANNEL radio station, has NOT yet played, that I am 
aware of, anything from "HtWWW". They will play lots of Zep, and not even 
mention the new cd/dvd. This is sooo not like them, not say...Cc themselves, 
just the DJ's etc...we have an avid Zep fan DJ. Of course I don't listen 
readily to them, and may have missed something. However I have heard from 
others on the list, that the "promo" has not yet reached thier stations 
either. Any idears when this might arrive...Jer???? someone...??? 
Also, I have not received my Seattle 77 dvd yet...anyone else order this? 
Cosmic Energy Label? I have been soooooo busy as of late, I haven't even read 
my "Q" magazine yet, nor the "Peter Grant, The Man Who Led Zeppelin". I have 
a nice 12 hour drive coming up next week, and plan on indulging then.(while 
the husband drives of course..duh..what were you thinking?)  Can't wait. 
Can't wait for May 27th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How does one get ahold of a copy of 
the PROMO? I would like one, and will send many mitsui blanks for a copy!