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Re: Page Out of Touch?!

>From: "- -" <sonicremaster@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Fri, 02 May 2003 14:05:59 +0000
>I think Jimmy is doing relatively fine, thank you. If posts to the
>list lately indicate anything it's a clear disconnect between some
>fans with reality. Prime examples:
>2. A contractual obligation for the 3 to appear at the premier
>   in NYC means a tour announcement and/or acoustic set. (!)
>   Regards,
>   Steve A. Jones

Perhaps you can enlighten us about the above-referenced contractual 
obligation for Messrs. Plant, Page and Jones to appear at the upcoming NYC 
screening.  It certainly seems like a logical explanation as to why the 
three are showing up, but I haven't seen or heard anything about such an 
obligation.  Is this a contract between Page/Plant/Jones and Atlantic 
concerning the CD/DVD set, or something remaining from the P/P days?

For those of us not privy to the details surrounding the contractual 
obligations of the remaining members of Zep, the fact that they are getting 
together in NYC at the screening might strike us as being somewhat out of 
the ordinary ... especially since there were no such gatherings for the 
releases of the various Box Sets and BBC Sessions.

Thanks in advance for the info.