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Answers to Questions From Yesterday...

>...I know everyone is probably bummed that it's not the
>tape from the show on the 30th, but hey, beggers can't be choosers, eh?  :)

I have an audiotaped interview with Jimmy which begins
during the limo ride from Newark Airport back to the Plaza
Hotel in NYC and ends in his suite around 2am on 5/31/77.


>Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 12:37:55 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Wendy Dale <wemarl28@xxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: wondering
>This is my first post to this list.  I've been
>wondering about the blond "mystery woman' in TSRTS,
>with Robert Plant.  Does anyone know who she is?
>Doesn't it seem strange that she wasn't listed in the credits?

She has great symbolic importance, and as such was
not credited. Robert has offhandedly said "she was
just some blond chick", although he digged working
with her! You may know his sequence was also filmed
using his dark-haired wife Maureen instead. I have
a copy of this alternate sequence and photos of
Robert with the blond from original negatives if
you'd like to trade for them.

>Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 22:49:47 -0500
>From: "Keith Gardeck" <kgardeck@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Percy's Penchant and The Q Magazine Caper
>Has our Bobby ever give a distinct, exact reason why he parted ways with 
>Page? Jimmy still acts like he has no
idea why Plant jumped ship. Any insights?