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Re: Gerrard Street

> Here's a picture I recently took in London, I'm sure someone can point out the
> significance?
> http://planetquake.com/mrpants/gerrard/gerrard.jpg

Of course! You can get a stupendous hot & sour soup and Szechuan hot pot
just around the corner.

But seriously: somewhere in close proximity to where you took that picture,
Led Zeppelin was born, in a cramped rehearsal space on Gerrard St. I've
always wondered whether it was London's Chinatown as far back as 1968.

I was there in February 1991, but unfortunately that date fell in between my
two major bouts of Zeppelin obsession (first period ran roughly 1980-1988;
second one began in 1998 or so when I started collecting boots on CD-R and
has yet to abate--I hope it never will). So when somebody asked me to meet
them that day "in Gerrard Street, between the two stone lions," I was quite
unaware of the significance of the spot.

I did see Earls Court out the window of a northbound train a few days later,

One of these days I'll get to Bron-Yr-Aur...