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A Few Things

1. First off I'd like to thank all those who have shown their support for my 
situation. Without going into boring details here's the deal. My liver is 
down to about one fifth operating compacity, my kindneys are nearly failed, 
and lots of other stuff. Since my last post I've lost nearly 30 pounds and 
have been in and out of the hospital. The doc says we have to sit and wait to 
see if things start to regenerate or else I get to go on the donor list. The 
peachy thing about all this is I'm currently working as a web designer and 
have no insurance. Ok, enough fishing for sympathy, I've got things to talk 

2. Why no '77 footage on the dvd set? Jimmy has always said that he wanted a 
chronological set that represented the evolution of the band and the music. I 
think the DVD set does that quite well. For the average fan that will pick up 
this set, what difference would they see from '75 Zep and '77 Zep? Probably 
not a whole lot. Cosnidering dvd space restraints, and a desire to use the 
best footage and performances, I think Jimmy just ditched the '77 footage. 
There isn't much of a visual or audio evolution between the two tours. To the 
average dvd buying fan the difference is either Jimmy in a black dragon suit, 
or Jimmy in a white dragon suit. Since they are so similar I think they went 
ahead and chose the better sounding performance to represent that era of the 

3. I've recently made contact with a person on my Hendrix list that was in 
attendance at a show in England in '71. I don't have his email at hand but he 
did send me a short review of what he could remember and a scan of his actual 
ticket. If anyone is interested in seeing the ticket it's fairly plain but 
still a cool piece of Zep history to see. 

4. Regarding my doubting of the release of the dvd set. It does seem a little 
bizzarre that every time I start to bitch and whine on the list about 
something, it makes it's way out fairly soon after. I have no idea why but 
I'm more than happy to take a little credit for it. I was very vocal about 
horders a while back and now we have quite a bit of new material. I said they 
would never give us a dvd set and less than a week later an official 
annoucement is made. I'd like to think I'm doing my part.

5. If you haven't had a chance to check out Audioslave yet, do yourself a 
favor and give them a listen. Tom Morello is definately doing some inventive 
things with the guitar lately and you really can't go wrong with Chris 
Cornell's vocals. 

I've still got a few organs that haven't given up so don't count the Reverend 
out just yet. I still have to see the new DVD set.
