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And a New Day will dawn, for those who stand long.....

The Eighth Verse of â??Stairway to Heaven,â?? continues the concept of verse 
seven, showing 
the result of satanic spiritual regeneration; the subsequent new life of born 
again Satanism. 
Webster defines the words â??regenerateâ?? and â??regenerationâ?? as follows:
REGENERATE - 1. Spiritually reborn. 2. Renewed or restored, especially after a 
decline to a 
low or abject condition.
REGENERATION - a being renewed, reformed, or reconstituted  b) a spiritual 
In verse eight, Robert Plant immediately refers to the result of having 
accepted the Reason 
that Satan led one to, which is spirtual rebirth, or a new life, with Satan as 
god. He sings, 
â??Andâ?? the â??Newâ?? life â??Willâ?? begin â??Forâ?? people â??Whoâ?? endure 
then a â??Forestâ?? is going to â??Echoâ?? from â??Laughter.â?? The first thing 
we are going 
to focus on here is the new life of the follower of the Devil, once he has 
accepted him as the 
Reason; Absolute Truth and god. Several resources will be used to show the true 
meaning of 
this verse, beginning with the book that played the most important initiatory 
part of 
Aleister Crowleyâ??s magical career; or satanic spiritual regeneration. 
Remember, if Crowley 
advocated this book, Jimmy Page has got to have a copy.
Karl von Eckarshausen, in The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, presented in detailed 
fashion the 
meaning of spiritual regeneration, showing it to be universal; so the song 
remains the same: 
â??Religion considered scientifically is the doctrine of the re-union of man 
separated from 
God to man re-united to God. Hence its sole object is to unite every human 
being to God....the 
Holy Mysteries of every religion, which are all and each in themselves, after a 
thousand varying 
modes, according to time and circumstances, and method of conception of 
different nations, 
but symbols repeated and modified of one solitary truth, and this unique truth 
is - regeneration, 
or the re-union of man with God.â??37 He makes it clear that absolute truth 
cannot be found 
by the outer senses, but by the inner spiritual part of man: â??Absolute truth 
does not exist 
for sensuous man; it exists only for interior and spiritual man who possesses a 
sensorium; or, to speak more correctly, who possesses an interior sense to 
receive the absolute 
truth of the transcendental world, a spiritual faculty which cognizes spiritual 
objects as 
objectively and naturally as the exterior senses perceive external 
phenomena....The opening 
of this spiritual sensorium is the mystery of the New Man - the mystery of 
Regeneration, and 
of the vital union between God and man - it is the noblest object of religion 
on earth, that 
religion whose sublime goal is none other than to unite men with God in Spirit 
and in 
Truth.â??38 Eckartshausen went on to speak of regeneration as rebirth, and 
shows why this 
teaching of Led Zeppelinâ??s comes with their best song, to have people put 
confidence in 
them; since they were the worldâ??s greatest rock band: 
â??To change the spirit of this world into the spirit of the children of God is 
to be 
regenerated, and it means to despoil the old man, and to re-clothe the new.
â??But no person can be re-born if he does not know and put in practice the 
principle - that of truth becoming the object for our doing or not doing; 
therefore, he who 
desires to be re-born ought first to know what belongs to re-birth. He ought to 
meditate, and reflect on all this. Afterwards he should act according to his 
knowledge, and 
the result will be a new life.
â??Now, as it is first necessary to know, and to be instructed in all that 
appertains to 
re-birth, a doctor, or an instructor is required, and if we know one, faith in 
him is also 
necessary, because of what use is an instructor if his pupil have no faith in 
â??Hence, the commencement of re-birth is faith in Revelation.â??39
After reading those quotes from The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, one can easily 
see the progression 
of these concepts from Eckartshausen to Crowley to Page to Led Zeppelin to 
â??Stairway to 
Heaven;â?? with the Devil behind the entire thing. Contemporary writers are in 
agreement with 
this concept of rebirth. Ritchie Yorke, a personal friend of the band, wrote 
that â??Stairway 
to Heavenâ?? conveyed the message of rebirth, in Led Zeppelin - The Definitive 
â??The appeal of â??Stairway to Heavenâ?? as a musical piece is self-evident: 
its lyrics seemed 
to embody the individualâ??s prevailing quest for a spiritual rebirth.â??40 
Steven Davis, 
in Hammer of the Gods, presented the same theme, tying spiritual rebirth in 
with going back to 
the worship of the old gods: â??With its starkly pagan imagery of trees and 
brooks, pipers 
and the May Queen, shining white light and the forest echoing with laughter, 
â??Stairway to 
Heavenâ?? seemed like an invitation to abandon the new traditions and follow 
the old gods. 
It expressed an ineffable yearning for spiritual transformation deep in the 
hearts of the 
generation for which it was intended. In time, it became their anthem.â??41 
Compare that Davis 
quote with this one from Aleister Crowley, from his Equinox, who suggested a 
spiritual rebirth 
that departs from Christianity to worship the old gods; to worship Pan in the 
â??â??Arcadia, night, a cloud, Pan, and the moon.â?? What words to conjure 
with, what five 
shouts to slay the five senses, and set a leaping flame of emerald and silver 
dancing about us 
as we yell them forth under the oaks and over the rocks and myrtle of the hill 
- side. 
â??Bruised to the breast of Panâ?? - let us flee church, and chapel, and 
meeting room; let 
us abandon this mantle of order, and leap back to the heaths, and the marshes, 
and the hills; 
back to the woods, and the glades of night! Back to the old gods, and the ruddy 
lips of 
Pan!â?¦till the glades thrill as with the music of syrinx and sistrum, and our 
souls are 
rent asunder on the flaming horns of Pan.â??42
So far in this eighth verse of â??Stairway to Heaven,â?? we have focused on the 
of â??newâ?? life, or regeneration; rebirth. Contemporary writers have 
associated the song 
with the same theme. Crowley associated the theme with Pan; whom he believed 
was the Devil. 
Crowley quoted Satan in an epistle from The Equinox, called Liber Stellae 
Rubeae - LXVI, 
where the Devil speaks of this regeneration as light, just as Levi called 
light: â??But I will overcome thee; the New Life shall illumine thee with the 
Light that 
is beyond the Stars. Thinkest thou? I, the force that have created all, am not 
to be 
despised.â??43 Crowley wrote The Book of the Law under the inspiration of the 
Devil; claiming 
it was Satan who wrote it through him, as presented in chapter seven. One of 
the things Satan 
wrote through Crowley concerning the Law of Thelema, was that it would produce 
regeneration. He wrote: â??This shall regenerate the world...â??44 Even Time 
Life Books, 
in their volume, Wizards and Witches, present this theme of regeneration or 
as they wrote of a wizard from Wales named Taliesin, who they said was a 
musician who played 
songs about transformation, that had that very effect: â??â??I am a musician, 
an artificer 
like the wren,â?? sang the Welsh wizard Taliesin, and it was true: His songs 
were about 
creation and transformation, and they made those magical things occur.â??45 
Time-Life could 
very well have been referring to James Patrick Page.