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Then the Piper will lead us to Reason

Eliphas Levi presented the occultists perception of Absolute Truth and god, who 
is behind this 
truth, under the title of  â??REASON.â?? He wrote that God communicates with 
men by enlightening 
their reason with his Eternal Reason: â??When God designs to communicate the 
knowledge of 
Himself, He enlightens our reason and does not seek to confound or surprise it. 
In that day we 
shall know the utmost limit of the power of man who is created in the image of 
God; we shall 
realize that he also is a creator in his own sphere and that his goodness, 
directed by Eternal 
Reason, is a lower providence for beings which are placed by Nature under his 
influence and 
domination. Religion will then and for evermore have nothing to fear from 
progress, and will 
follow in the course thereof.â??28 Levi instructs his readers that truth is 
obvious to all, 
and that they should put their faith in the eternal Reason who is the Divine 
Word: â??Truth 
is hidden from no one. God is visible in His works, and He requires nothing 
contrary to its 
nature from any being, for He is Himself the author of that nature. Faith is 
confidence; have 
confidence, not in men who malign reason, for they are fools or imposters, but 
in that eternal 
Reason which is the Divine Word, that true light which is offered like the sun 
to the intuition 
of every human creature coming into this world.â??29 The light that Levi wrote 
of is spiritual 
â??truth;â?? based, again, on Qabalah Magick. 
The Holy Bible presents Lucifer in the spiritual sense as being able to appear 
as an angel of 
light, or as an angel of truth, leading one on the path to eternal life, in the 
New Testament 
Book of 2nd Corinthians, Chapter Eleven, Verse 14: â??And no wonder, for Satan 
masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants 
masquerade as 
servants of righteous- ness.â??(NIV) Levi expounded on Reason being the 
Absolute truth, and 
that Supreme Reason, or god, has not left man without a way of knowing it, and 
that those who 
come to know it will be masters and kings of this world (just like the Druids). 
When coming 
across the word â??Absoluteâ?? in this chapter, it means that which is 
constant, always the 
same, never changing. To contrast absolute with variable we look to the 
weather. The sun is 
the absolute. It is always shining; even when it is raining. We may look up and 
see overcast 
skies and rain, or we may see sunshine. Our weather is a variable, given to 
change, but 
the sun is not; it is always shining. Anyone who says the sun isnâ??t shining 
because he 
canâ??t see it is a fool; so is one who says God doesnâ??t exist because he 
cannot see him. 
God and truth are absolutes; they never change. Remember, however, that Levi is 
writing about 
the god of Magick, Satan. Levi wrote: â??An Absolute exists therefore in the 
realms of 
understanding and faith. The lights of human intelligence have not been left by 
the Supreme 
Reason to waver at hazard. There is an incontestable truth; there is an 
infallible method 
of knowing that truth; while those who attain this knowledge, and adopt it as a 
rule of life, 
can endow their will with a sovereign power which can make them masters of all 
inferior things, 
all wandering spirits, or, in other words, arbiters and kings of the 
world.â??30 Again, the 
theme of being in control of spirits is reiterated. In this next quote from 
Levi, he makes 
the point that the motive in the heart of occultists is to bring all men into 
the domain of 
reason: â??Truth is the object of their worship, and they represent truth as 
light; they tolerate 
all forms of faith, profess one philosophy, seek truth only, teach reality, and 
their plan is 
to lead all human intelligence by gradual steps into the domain of reason.â??31
Aleister Crowley, wanting to show himself in concurrence with â??his former 
self,â?? Eliphas 
Levi, wrote of Reason and the Absolute in his book, The Law is for All: â??We 
make the necessity 
in our thought the standard to the laws of nature; and thus implicitly declare 
Reason to be the 
Absolute. This has nothing to do with the weakness or error in any one mind, or 
in all minds; 
all that we rely on is the existence of some purely mental standard by which we 
could correct 
our thinking if we knew how. It is then this power which constrains our 
thought, to which our 
minds owe fealty, that we call â??truth;â?? and this â??truthâ?? is not a 
proposition at all, 
but a â??law!â??â??32 The mental standard of absolute truth will be addressed 
in the next 
chapter. Crowley reiterated his statement about the Absolute in the same book, 
saying that 
all truths are derived from it; in other words, the song remains the same: â??I 
quote from 
my diary the demonstration that Reason is the Absolute, whereof all truths 
soever are merely 
particular cases.â??33 Reason, therefore, is the Absolute, referring to 
Absolute Truth, which 
comes from god, who is the Absolute Truth, or Reason.
The seventh verse of â??Stairway to Heaven,â?? then, sends the message that Led 
Zeppelin and 
the Devil have â??whisperedâ?? or conveyed to the listener, â??ifâ?? they 
â??callâ?? or try 
to make contact with Satanâ??s â??tune,â?? his hidden message, he, as a 
â??Piperâ?? is 
going to use his music to â??leadâ?? or direct them into the domain of 
which as â??godâ?? is his Absolute Truth, embodied in the Law of Thelema. As 
Aleister Crowley 
wrote, The Book of the Law, which is the book expounding the Law of Thelema, is 
founded upon 
reason: â??We must not suppose for an instant that The Book of the Law is 
opposed to reason. 
On the contrary, its own claim to authority rests upon reason, and nothing 
Those who accept that Reason or â??truthâ?? as Absolute Truth, will then have 
entered the 
enchanted palace of satanic spiritual regeneration; a born again Satanist, 
believing the 
Devil is God, and the author of Absolute Truth. Then the person will discard 
the Christian 
view of Lucifer, as Satan and the Devil, and will proclaim that he is god. Is 
that not what 
Jimmy Page was saying in this next quote, while discussing the film Lucifer 
Rising? â??In the 
film Lucifer is the Light bearer and not Satan as in Christian terms.â??35 
Again, Lucifer 
Rising is Kenneth Angerâ??s visual rendition of Aleister Crowleyâ??s magical 
of Lucifer as god.